Nori prisijungti prie Klaipėdos apskrities Ievos Simonaitytės viešosios bibliotekos komandos ir dirbti girdėdamas jūros ošimą? Atsiųsk savo gyvenimo aprašymą (CV) bei trumpą motyvacinį laišką apie Tave dominančias veiklos sritis šiuo el. paštu: biblioteka@klavb.lt.
Šiuo metu neieškome darbuotojų.
Kiekvienais metais keli motyvuoti ir darbštūs studentai turi galimybę bibliotekoje atlikti profesinę praktiką. Praktikos programa gali būti susieta su bibliotekininkyste, informacijos mokslais, kultūros vadyba, rekreacija ir turizmu. Norėdami praktiką atlikti mūsų bibliotekoje, rašykite adresu: k.jankauskiene@klavb.lt
Kviečiame savanoriauti ir drauge kurti svajonių biblioteką. Nuolat laukiame aktyvių savanorių, kurie prisijungtų prie mūsų komandos, drąsiai dalintųsi idėjomis ir kartu įgyvendintų įdomias veiklas.
Prisijunk prie mūsų komandos, jei:
- esi aktyvus,
- turi daug idėjų ir nekantrauji jas realizuoti,
- nori organizuoti renginius,
- maketuoti plakatus,
- užsiimti įvairiomis veiklomis su vaikais,
- filmuoti, fotografuoti renginius ar montuoti medžiagą,
- kurti edukacijas ar kartu įgyvendinti kitas veiklas.
Savanoriauti bibliotekoje kviečiame asmenis nuo 14 metų.
Susidomėjai? Nori tapti savanoriu? Laukiame Tavęs!
Visa informacija el.paštu vaikams@klavb.lt arba tel. (8 46) 341 726.

Savanorė iš Gruzijos, Nino dalinasi savo savanorystės patirtimi bibliotekoje. Savanorė į organizaciją atvyko pagal Europos solidarumo korpuso programą, kurią finansuoja Europos Komisija.
Daugiau apie jos patirtį galite perskaityti Nino pasidalintoje istorijoje.
Maybe the present is simple, but the future can be perfect! Let`s take a risk and realize this dream, Let`s forget a little bit about the comfort zone, and let`s go somewhere where I never been before. Simple – let`s have this experience, because it`s about now or never.
This is a quote that helped me to make the final decision, that I was going to move to Lithuania!
I spent 6 months in Lithuania. Half-year isn`t so short time. I remember that I came here as a little, a bit scared girl, who had lots of goals and dreams in her head. And I`ve left this country more confident and grown! Of course it`s not easy to leave in a different country all alone and start to leave independently, especially in this period, when there is Covid-19 everywhere… But I`m proud that I found power in me and I passed quarantine time normally. This was the period when I started to get to know myself better and explore new things, that I didn`t know before.
During 6 months I collected lots of amazing memories and gained meaningful, international experience. This project gave me new friends, from different parts of the world. I felt how diverse can be the world!
I want to say thank you to my host and coordinating organization for all of the support and warmth that they gave me! And I wish you all the best things for Lithuania! It always will be in my heart as my second home!“
2018 metais savanoriavusio Gasparo prisistatymas:
Hola! Como estais?
My name is Gaspar and I am the 18 years old voIunteer that will be in the Library for the next 10 months. I come from Spain, specifically from Cordoba in Andalucia (South of the country). In relation with what I did before coming to Lithuania, I must say that I finished high school this year and that I have been working in some European Organisations in my country.
I like to practise every kind of sports (specially rugby and judo), to travel and to learn new cultures and languages in order to meet new people and to learn more about a country.
I would like to learn Lithuanian so then I will be able to speak with everybody. And of course, if somebody would like to learn Spanish language, I am always ready to help, not only with Spanish but with everything!
Nos vemos!
2017 m. bibliotekoje savanoriauti pradėjo Helene. Jos prisistatymas:
I am Hélène, the french volunteer. I come from Besançon (east of France). I’ll be at the library for the next ten months. What did I do before coming here? I worked with kids and I was involved in some associations....
I like books and board games because they are a good way to meet and learn from each others.
I would like to learn Lithuanian to be able to chat with you. If you want to learn french, I am here for you!
The library offers many opportunities to create or develop projects, so I don’t know yet what to do, but I’ll figure out!
Viso gero!
2017 metais savanoriavusio Jano iš Austrijos prisistatymas:
My name is Jan. I’m 18 years old, from a tiny unknown town in the middle of the majestic Austrian Alps, and currently volunteering in the Simonaitytes library here in Klaipeda, Lithuania. Now you might ask yourself what a recently graduated teenager from Australia… uhm Austria is doing in a place this far away from ...home and, to be fair, that’s a quite reasonable question. Over the course of the next 11 months I will be serving my European Voluntary Service (EVS) by doing all kinds of different activities in and around the library. The main reason for my choice to participate in this project was to gain new experiences, in a country I’ve never been to and which doesn’t resemble anything I’ve seen so far, mainly because I haven’t figured out what to do with my high school degree just yet. So far Lithuania hasn’t let me down. Not only was I open-heartedly welcomed by all the librarians but it also seems like the beautiful and almost entirely flat landscape offers the perfect opportunity to broaden my horizon both in literal and metaphorical way.
For now, I can only say that I am extremely excited about how my adventure will go and that I hope that I won’t be mumbling, „Do you speak English… or German?” for much longer when I’m asked what I want to order.
202016 m. bibliotekoje savanoriavusios Sandros prisistatymas:
Hello everybody!
Mi name is Sandra, I am 26 years old and I from Spain, specifically from Catalonia. I was living until this time with my family in a city which is really near to Barcelona.
In my free time I like singing in some bars and also I was singing in a gospel choir in my city, so I wish to do this things in Lithuania too. I like also travelling around the world to meet new people and new cultures.
If you want to know something more about me, playing music, learn spanish (maybe we could do an exchange because I am interested to learn russian) or knowing a little more about my country don't hesitate to ask me!
2016 m. bibliotekoje savanoriavusios Ida prisistatymas:
I´m Ida from France.
Maybe you already know my city – Limoges – because we also love basketball and we have a good team.
I’m 26 years old and it’s my first experience abroad. I have a master’s degree in Culture and I worked in different structures to manage performing live events or amateur artistic practices.
I will work for 8 month here and I am so excited to meet you, see Lithuania and learn your language.
I hope to see you very soon.
Iki !
2015 m. sausio–lapkričio mėn. bibliotekoje savanoriavo trys linksmuoliai savanoriai: Marco Pavone iš Italijos, Stefania Peri iš Graikijos ir Bryan Passalacqua iš Prancūzijos.
Stefania prisistatymas:
Hello people!
My name is Stefania and I come from Greece,
I am very excited to be here in Klaipeda and work for such a big and interesting library!
I hope to meet new people, share experiences, be a helping hand for the librarians and the community. Being a volunteer is a great opportunity also to travel and live new experiences, broaden my horizons - great thing for me! I really want to get to know as much as possible of Lithuanian culture and also share my greek culture with you so people don't hesitate, be open and social, speak, smile, as you do ! It is in our nature!
Marco prisistatymas:
Dear readers!
My name is Marco and I am e new volunteer in Klaipėda Country I. Simonaityte Public Library.
Originally I am Italian and I came here two weeks ago. I am planning to stay in Klaipeda for 9 months.
I have finished the Academy of Fine Arts in Italy and I came here to Lithuania to experience a new culture. I am very grateful for an opportunity, given by the European Voluntary Service, to volunteer in this library.
I think I will have a good time here while volunteering and the time spent in the library will help me to learn more about the history and culture of Lithuania as well as meet various nice people.
So if you meet me somewhere in the library, let‘s talk for a while. It will be a great pleasure!
And if you have any ideas of what you would like to do in your free time, feel free to offer. By working together, we can achieve a lot!